Ciao! is a familiar Italian salutation that is regarded as a promise of good will among friends. How much better would our relationships be if we approached each interaction assuming good will for and from the other person?
In this in-person session for up to 60 people, we will explore different personality tendencies, what drives them and how to interact with each to get what you need. We won't just learn about the behaviors - we will uncover the "why" they behave and react the way they do. We won't just provide nice to know information - we will provide instructions on how to approach each person to see immediate transformative results. We will work through three modules to:
- Know who you are
- Know who they are
- Improve interactions
Do Unto Others is a Lie - When your child makes you crazy!
Course for Independence, OH residents only.
Please no children. While we will be discussing parent/child relationships - please leave those under 16 at home.
A separate registration is required for every person who will attend.